
Selasa, 27 Mei 2014


Motor series is identical in construction to the shunt Motors except for the field. Field connected in series with the armature, therefore, bring current armature entirely. Field series is made up of several round wire with a cross-section large enough to carry the current. Although similar, the kosntruksi property of the motor series is totally different from the motor shunt. In shunt motor, flux Φ per pole is constant on all charges because the shunt field is connected to the circuit. But the series motor, flux per pole and armature currents depending on the load. When the big, big fluxnya arusnya and vice versa.
Although different, the basic principle and calculation remains the same. On the motor that has a current number of series connection past the Dynamo the armature as great as that passes through a coil. If the burden of naikmotor spinning more slowly. If the motor speed is reduced then the magnetic fields are truncated too small, thus further decreasing the EMF occurred. Improvement of the power supply currents in the coil and armature Dynamo during loads. This more current resulting in increased torque. An example of the State is on the starter motor having poling (Dynamo armature pole to touch because it is less straight or ring that is worn out). High current will flow through the coil and Dynamo armature speed because anker dinamo decline and cause EMF fall back.
Emf back reach maximum if maximum speed austere dynamo.Current aspirated catu resources from declining while speeding up, motor because emf happened back against the current catu resources. Back EMF could not be as great as the current EMF. given on the DC motor, so it will be flowing with the EMF is given. Because there are two EMF. who opposed eliminating the back EMF EMF. is given, then the current flow on the Dynamo the armature becomes much less if there is a back EMF. Because EMF back against a given voltage then Dynamo armature resistance will remain small while the Dynamo the armature current is limited to a safe value.

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